AliWin2 - A GUI by Edwin C. Hall for Aliqueit by Mikael Klasson

This is a Free Program, provided AS IS with NO warranty - Use at your own risk!

Current AliWin2 version: .20120229
Files availabe: binary - - source - - zip of both

Note:Since Aliqueit 1.10 is now available, the original AliWin is no longer supported
The original can still be found here: AliWin page - - binary - - source - - zip of both

The help file is self-contained in the source and displays as several Messages on screen. The current help screens are these:

Starting out - Creating a working directory

There is no "Installation" of this program, per se, but to use it, several steps must be manually performed. For the example installation, I will use C:\MathWork\aliqueit and will place the main files into this directory. If you wish to use a different directory, simply substitute your name(s) in place of C:\MathWork\aliqueit. Following are two ways to create your directory:

Note: Due to write restrictions with newer versions of Windows, it is suggested you create your directory somewhere outside of the Program Files directory.

Now that the directory has been created you will need to copy all the files into it (and subdirectories) from their various sources. Of course, AliWin will be available here, but all the others have separate locations. I will try to provide some links here to the packages I downloaded to work with AliWin. But, since I am not changing anything in any of the packages, there should be no need to use the same versions I am. The only restriction I can think of immediately, is in the names of those files AliWin directly works with. Specifically, those are all the files on buttons on the left of the AliWin window, aliqueit.exe and wget.exe. All others should be taken care of within the other files.

The next step - Adding programs

If the above proceedure was followed, including using the ggnfs directory, the aliqueit directory should now hold a ggnfs directory and the following thirteen files:


Note: If you compiled AliWin2 from source, there will be several additional files.

The ggnfs directory, if used, will now hold 27 files, which will include all the ggnfs files, except, plus the msieve.exe file.

First Time Run of AliWin2

Now that all the files have been loaded, it's finally time to run AliWin2. This can be done by simply double-clicking the AliWin2.exe icon (or filename).

An "As Is" acceptance box pops up and must be answered Yes to continue.

A message box should appear notifiying you that there is no Alinum.txt file found. For now, that's OK - we'll make one later. Acknowledge by clicking OK.

AliWin2 finally pops up with a numberless window and we can start configuring everything:

I will now turn you loose to play with AliWin2...

Please post any corrections, questions, or suggestions to the forum link below.

You can also find out more by going to the AliWin thread on the Aliquot Sequences page at