Hi, I finally put together a little bit of money to convert my universal over to 45 ACP. I bought a tool head with dies and a shell plate. Still missing a few parts, but I’m in the process of checking everything out that I just received, and I discovered that the shell plate openings are large enough that a 45 ACP casing will pull straight out if it’s not pushed all the way to the back of the groove. I’m guessing that must mean I have a 45 LC shell plate instead? I’m wondering if that is a less common shell plate than 45 ACP, and if I should pursue getting a replacement from the seller if it’s available or if I should keep it and try to trade for a 45 ACP shell plate and maybe a few of the other parts that I’m needing? I thought maybe we could turn it into a win win for me and somebody looking for a 45LC plate. I think really all I’m lacking is the large primer punch and nut, and the large primer feed bar. I’m also going to be needing a charge bar but I don’t know yet which one.... maybe a blank.
It looks like the openings in the shell plate are .492” wide.