Author Topic: False Rumor Exposed  (Read 15954 times)

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Green Frog

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False Rumor Exposed
« on: March 25, 2019, 11:39:54 am »
I was horrified to read on another shooting and reloading forum that the owner of Star Reloading had died and all of the parts stock had been sold.  :'(  I quickly scanned this forum and looked for any hint of confirmation, but of course there was none, so I went back and asked whether it was possible that the OP might be mistaken or have incomplete information.  Within hours, Bruce appeared on that forum and essentially stated that "Reports of my death..."   8)

The phrase "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone!" came to mind.  Once again I was reminded of how blessed we who are interested in the Star Progressive Presses are to have Bruce and several others who are making it possible for us to maintain our machines.  I just thought I'd stop by and express my gratitude for all of you who are keeping the Star Tradition alive.  It has to be a labor of love and we who are its recipients should be very grateful.  I know I am!  :)

Charlie Shaeff
the Green Frog


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Re: False Rumor Exposed
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2019, 01:11:45 pm »
Thanks Charlie,

I don't get over to the Cast Boolets forum very often, but happened to stop by this morning and saw the post.   If anyone else hears that I am dead, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know  ;D     In fact, give me a call at (908) 750-6312.   If I don't pick up, leave a message.  If I'm still alive I will call you back.

Bruce Williams
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 01:16:12 pm by rbwillnj »
Star Machine Works
Star, the original blue Press.  Made by machinist, not machines.