Author Topic: Just picked up three Star reloaders and have questions.  (Read 18782 times)

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Just picked up three Star reloaders and have questions.
« on: August 20, 2005, 09:25:11 pm »
I just got a heck of a deal on two Star progressive reloaders and a Star universal progressive reloader. Being in the gun business I am going to turn around and make a profit on two of them. I have a few questions and in general I am trying to understand the Star reloader.

First, this website is awesome and has helped tremendously. I figured out which of the three is the universal because of the Plate Locating Strap (Part #79U). The other two are most certainly the standard model.

Now, I figured out that you don't necessarily need the Safety Cam to function the press. I have two complete safety cams and one Safety Cam Standard, but no Safety Cam Stop Pins. I read on here where one gentleman used a 1/8 drill bit to take the Safety Cam Stop Pin's place. I can probably sell these things with out those parts right?

Next, the powder slide housing. The universal and one of the progressives has a OO and the other progressive has a O. How does that work exactly? Do I need to check the sides of the powder slides to see if they are O or OO and only sell the O slides with the O housed unit and the OOs with the OO housed unit? That would make sense. I need to look at the slides again and make sure they all match up. I guess the only other question is does the adjustible powder slide just work in the OO housing or will it fit in a O housing too? The more questions I ask, the more it seems to make sense. I just don't have the machines right in front of me to figure it out.

You can go check out the other discussion board I frequent called The High Road. I posted some pictures of the universal press over there and will probably post some pictures of one of the progressives in a little while. Thanks for you help.

Robert L. Kosty

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Re: Just picked up three Star reloaders and have questions.
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2005, 07:57:34 pm »
The o powder slides are 1/4" thick and the "oo" slides are 5/16' thick.
Neither will work in the other.
Bob Kosty