Author Topic: Bullet Change  (Read 12597 times)

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Green Frog

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Bullet Change
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:07:55 pm »
I know this is going to be a rookie question, but here goes.  :-\ I've got a 1950s-60s vintage Star Progressive that has been used almost none at all, and always to load .38 mid-range wadcutters.  I would like to load some slightly "warmer" rounds, using a slower powder than the 2.5 Bullseye charge currently in place and a semi-wadcutter.  I've done considerable reloading on a variety of presses, so I am assuming that this change will be pretty easy, and could be accomplished with just a change in the powder bar and the bullet seating plug.  Is this correct, and if yes, where does one currently go for these parts with the minimum of fuss and muss?  ???

TIA for any and all help!

PS Not that it relates to the current question, but I think I've doped out a great merger between the current Lee case feeder and the Hulme, making a more stable connection for more positive feed than some others I've seen.  Pictures will come when it is complete.  GF  :)


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Re: Bullet Change
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 12:39:14 pm »
Greetings Mr. Frog,

I can machine a new #20 Seating Plug to match the bullet if you send me a bullet sample. If you have the #0 powder housing and bar (1/4" thick) It may be a challenge to locate another bar in the powder weight you desire. Might be best to buy one of Rich Daniels adjustable bars.

Send me a Personal Email and I will reply with a parts quote for the seating stem.



Green Frog

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Re: Bullet Change
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 08:28:49 am »
Thanks for the reply, Dave.  I'll dig out a couple of samples of the bullet (I'll probably use the Ideal 357156 or something similar) and get back to you.  How much of a challenge is it to change out the powder bar with one of Rich's?  It sounds like an attractive proposition to have that adjustment available, even though the original was so dependable in part because it was not adjustable.  Different times bring different needs.

At this point, it looks like my press will operate with a powder cut off and adjustable charge bar, either wadcutter or semi wadcutter bullet seater plug as needed, and a hybrid Lee/Hulme case feeder.  It came to me with the Lifetyme carbide sizing die.  This seems like a desirable and useful combination of new and old features that should make my Progressive about as useful and user friendly as possible.  Any other suggestions?



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Re: Bullet Change
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 12:13:31 pm »

I, myself, use powder bars that take bushings. I never was a big fan of the adjustable charge bars for the work I do. They do, however, work quite well for others.

