If you bolt the base to a piece of plywood, Cut the plywood to
the inside size of your box, Cut another identical piece of
plywood and after removing the spring anchor hook, Use a
small screw the same size of the spring hook threads, Cut a
small hole in the middle of the plywood and secure the
plywood using the small screw through the hole where the
spring hook would normally screw into the top of the Star
machine. Pack the handle, powder tube, spring hook anchor
and primer tube in bubble wrap and any other loose parts
in bubble wrap. I wrap the Star real good with bubble wrap
and with the plywood keeping the Star stationary inside the
box you have less problems having the Star reloader moving
around and causing the damage if it were not secured inside
the box. I boxed three like this and was told they arrived
without any damage during shipment.
Buckhunter buckhamman at comcast dot net