RLS are the initials of Richard L Shockey. He was a noted pistolsmith in the 60"s and 70's. He manufactured Carbide sizing dies, "Perfection" brand, in both the Star and 7/8-14 thread.
The Star dies were finished in Black Oxide with the roll marked letters highlighted with red paint. The decapping rod has a large screw driver slot on the top. The threads are not the same as the Lifetyme dies that Star San Diego sold with their machines.
Both dies are of excellent quality. I suspect it was a financial decision as to what dies were used in the original machines. I do not recall when Shockey died as this may be a factor as well. "Dead men sell no dies" or some pirate axiom or the other.
A side note. Some one made the sizing dies for Star in the mid 90's, just before they closed. While the carbide did size the cases properly like the older Perfection and Lifetyme they did not have the nice, well machined features.