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Messages - draginfish

Pages: 1
Star Reloaders / Tool Head with Extra Die
« on: March 28, 2006, 08:26:40 pm »
I picked up a few new tool heads for my Star Universal. These heads have an extra die hole in them next to the seater die. The 38 head has an extra die in that spot where as my original heads that came with my loader have a small hole in that position. What is the purpose of that extra die? Thanks in advance.

Star Reloaders / Star Offset Handle
« on: June 12, 2004, 10:13:33 am »
I saw some topics on offset handles and I thought I would try to post a picture of my handle. I take no credit for this design, the old gentleman who I bought the reloader from made this handle. If the image shows up, you can see that it turns the machine pretty far around from the original handle location. I set facing the loader as the picture is taken from, the left hand operates the handle and the right hand sets the bullets. Like I said, this is how I got it and it works great for me. Any comments or questions? Just thought it might help for those who would like to change the handle offset. ? ?


Pages: 1