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Messages - itbeme

Pages: 1
Star Reloaders / Re: woff primers
« on: July 20, 2009, 10:41:22 pm »
I Have been using Wolf primers in my Star machine for over a year. No problems, all my bullets go bang. They work for me and it keeps the costs down. If you are looking for Wolf primers, better buy soon, they are drying up again.

Star Reloaders / Re: Star reloaders
« on: May 29, 2008, 05:35:53 pm »
From what I have seen on this site, it appears that they are universal. They both have that part number 79U, shell base locater strap. I have the booklet from Star showing all the parts and a price list from 1983. In 1983 a Star Universal Reloader was $925.00 and that was the new lower price, I wonder what that is in today's dollars :)

Star Reloaders / Star reloaders
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:27:47 pm »
I am new to this forum and to reloading. I am an avid shooter of 45ACP and have a ton of brass. With ammo pricing what is and going higher, it is time to start reloading. I have recently purchased 2 Star reloaders, 1 38 cal. and 1 9mm. I am a 45 guy. My question for this forum is: what is the best avenue to pursue to get a reloader in 45 acp?? Are there dies available? Is ebay the best resource? Is some one willing to do a trade? Am I able to retrofit other non Star dies and plates for this to work? I am not a big fan of frankenstein items.
Should I sell these and buy a 45acp unit? Are they common enough? I really like the quality and simplicity of this reloader.
Sorry for the long first post, but alot of questions and I have found few answers.
Many thanx
Stephen ???

Pages: 1