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Messages - 454PB

Pages: 1
Star Lubricator & Resizers / Re: Star/Magma Sizing Die Problems
« on: August 27, 2006, 12:08:36 am »
The Star lubrisizers don't have as much leverage as a Lyman or RCBS. I made a longer handle for mine, because my arm got sore sizing 330 grain .45 bullets after about 100 or so. Although I haven't broken anything, there are some pretty dainty looking pieces in the linkage.

Star Lubricator & Resizers / Re: Swapping in a new sizing die
« on: June 01, 2006, 11:25:22 pm »
I recently built a new sizing die for my Star from scratch. I've made my own Lyman 450 dies for many years, but the Star design has some different "challenges".

On the homemade die, I reduced the larger diameter by .0005 to .7495, and the new die can be removed without the tool. I was a little concerned that it might leak out the bottom of the casting, but so far no problems

Star Lubricator & Resizers / Re: Heater Base
« on: March 26, 2006, 12:51:14 am »
I recently put the heating unit out of an old coffee maker under the base of my Star. It actually is too big, 900 watts. However, it heats it up in about two minutes and has a built in thermostat.

Star Lubricator & Resizers / Re: Star/Magma Sizing Die Problems
« on: March 26, 2006, 12:39:39 am »
As a new Star owner, I've already had some experience with this. What I learned is that you need to lube the bullets first if they are going to be sized more than .001" or so. I use the same lube that I use for resizing brass.....which is Hornady Unique, Imperial Sizing Die Wax, or Smiling Mink boot waterproofing. I wipe a little of the lube on the forward bearing surface of every third or fourth bullet.

I recently opened up a .429" sizing die to .430" in my lathe, and I can tell you that these Star sizer dies are WAY harder than Lyman or RCBS sizing dies. If you decide to polish the die, you don't have to worry about enlarging it. I'd suggest you use crocus cloth on a split bolt chucked in a hand drill....that is unless you have a lathe.

Pages: 1