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Messages - paul2c417

Pages: 1
Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS: 44-40 WCF Brass, 500ct.
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:26:52 am »
I have a bulk bag of 500 44-40 WCF brass cases for sale.  The brass is new and never loaded, Winchester headstamp, plain brass finish.  I bought the brass several years ago to load for a relatives' project gun that never materialized, so the brass is a little tarnished, but nothing 30 minutes in a tumbler would not cure.

Price is $150.00, I pay for priority mail shipping.  PayPal preferred.

I am trying to find a complete set of Star reloading dies in 38 Super, along with the appropriate shell plate.  My understanding is that the 38 Super and 9mm use the same shell plate.

Please PM me if you have a set for sale, or know someone who does.

Many thanks-


Pages: 1