Star Reloaders / Rotate press 180
« on: June 27, 2005, 12:31:13 pm »
New member. I just got my star press from my father he bought it new in the early 70's and used it extensively. it is in great working order. I have two heads for it. 45 ACP and 38 spl. I have the press set up 180 degrees. the handle is on the left side ( I pull the handel towards me on the down strook) Does anyone use this set up? I have reloaded in the passed with a single stage RCBS this is my first progressive press. I look forward to many years of use with the star press. I made my own case feeding tubs. I bought 6 pc of acrlic tubing from a plastic's supplier and beveled the base of the tub on one end and drilled and 1/8 hole about 1 inch from the bottom for a stop pin. each tub will hold 50 caces. I prefill all the tubs and as I need them I place and new filled tub on the press and all I have to do is pull the stop pin and I am ready to go again. I do have a case auto feed system that my father made but the I am having trouble finding a new limit switch for it. Any suggustions?