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Messages - Olee

Pages: 1
Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Star Reloading Tool and sizer
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:20:36 pm »
I have a Star Reloading Tool and Sizer plus some dies. For more information contact me at [no e-mail] or 719-580-5674.
Lee Cockrum

Star Reloaders / star Reloading tool set up for .451 cal
« on: October 28, 2013, 10:59:07 pm »
I have a Star Reloading tool set up for a .451 cal. Does anyone have any idea on the value of this piece? I am thinking about selling it. There are other pieces that I am trying to price which I will list as information comes in.   
 It was purchased in the 7O's. Any help would be appreciated.

Pages: 1