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Messages - Ripsaw

Pages: 1
Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS Star Luber Sizer----SPF----
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:24:35 pm »

Star Luber Sizer
$200.00 plus $11.95 priority shipping. First I'll take it posted here gets it.

It is set up with a .358 die now.

Good condition with original tag still in place and legible.
Red Border: reads inside
Star Machine Works
418 10th Ave.
San Diego, Calif.
Pat. number  2,019,795

I have 100's of all positive feedback on and the under the same username,.... ripsaw

Also have feedback at the new M14 forum I got started recently at the CMP website under username M14.

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Re: WTB- Star Lube Sizer
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:23:22 am »
I have what you are looking for.

It is set up in .358 configuration right now. It is near and dear to my heart though, so it will not be cheap.

I just joined here today, but have 100's of all positive feedback on and the under the same username,.... ripsaw

Also have feedback at the new M14 forum I got started recently at the CMP website under username M14.

Send me a pm if you are interested, with your email, and I can get some pics taken to send to your email box.

 I joined here to figure out where to get a sizing die for it to do .308 projectiles in maybe a .309 sizer. I just started casting for my M14 recently and pulled out this old Star sizer

Pages: 1