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Messages - rrag

Pages: 1
Star Reloaders / Re: .30 M1 Carbine seater die question
« on: July 20, 2011, 11:39:01 pm »
Thanks for the advice.


Star Reloaders / .30 M1 Carbine seater die question
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:01:30 pm »

I bought some .30 M1 Carbine dies and have the following questions:  The decapper die has only " 30 CAR" and the seater die only "30 C".  For those of you that reload .30 M1 Carbine, do you use or recommend case lube on the cases?  The seater die appears to have a taper crimp since when I turn in the seater stem far enough into the die I will see a gap around the diameter of the seater cup but as a turn it out of the die the gap disappears.  Do any of you do the seat and taper crimp using only one die?  Or would you all recommend a separate taper crimp die?  Thanks.


Star Reloaders / Re: .45 Auto Rim vs .45 ACP Adjustments
« on: May 02, 2011, 12:43:26 pm »
Thanks, Bruce and Doc.

Star Reloaders / .45 Auto Rim vs .45 ACP Adjustments
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:41:57 am »
Hello everyone,

I load .45 Auto Rim currently but would like to know what adjustments, if any, I would have to make to load .45 ACP (other than changing the shell holder plate). Anybody have any experience or suggestions?  Thanks.


Star Reloaders / Re: Shell Floor Base plug
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:09:13 pm »
Thanks!  I removed it by just pulling up with my finger.  I would still like to find another universal plug but at least I can use this one on either machine.


Star Reloaders / Shell Floor Base plug
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:51:59 pm »
Hello all,

I am just starting out with the star reloader and have some questions.  I am setting one of my two machines for .45 Auto Rim. I noticed that on the one I am setting up there is a taper crimp die but there is no shell floor base plug (part #68U).  When I checked my second machine it had a plug and out of curiosity, I tried to install the plug in the first one but it did not fit, it was too long.  The first machine has a ridge/shelf? to stop the plug but obviously it does not allow the plug to fit all the way in.  Of course, I can reverse myself and set up for .45 Auto rim on the second machine but is there anywhere I can buy a short shell floor base plug in case I want to use taper crimps on both machines (one came with set up for .45ACP and another for .44 S&W Spl and I have a tool head set up for .38 SPl)? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.


Pages: 1