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Messages - alwiddis

Pages: 1
This unit has the FreeLoader case feeder and the upgraded powder tube. This Universal works perfectly. I'm out of space. PM me and I'll email you the pictures. I'll have to make them pretty small to attach them which will lose the detail that you want.

I think that 1400.00 is a fair price for this. But am happy to entertain reasonable offers.

Happy viewing!

This unit has the Budget Reloader case feeder and the upgraded powder tube. This Universal works perfectly. I'm out of space. PM me and I'll email you the pictures. I'll have to make them pretty small to attach them which will lose the detail that you want.

I am happy to entertain reasonable offers.

Happy viewing!

Star Reloaders / Re: 45 ACP taper crimp die Question
« on: May 24, 2010, 02:32:54 am »
I got a 45 acp taper crimp die from FC60 and all is well with the universe. I was home on emergency leave from Afghanistan for two weeks and had some down time. I used my new crimp die; installed my moon unit indexer and case kicker and loaded several hundred rounds and went shooting. My Star is ROCKING now!

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