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Star Reloaders Discussion Forums => Star Reloaders => Topic started by: wallpep on October 29, 2007, 10:11:57 pm

Title: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: wallpep on October 29, 2007, 10:11:57 pm
I have acquired a star without dies and was wondering which works better, rethreading the toolhead to 7/8-14 or turning dies down to a 11/16 thread.  Any thoughts are appreciated.
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: CDRT on October 31, 2007, 02:07:11 pm
I have an email for a guy who will turn down dies, but it's expensive.  Have you checked with Bill at Star Machine Works to see if he has some dies in stock?  I just picked up a .38 Special Taper Crimp die from him for $35 plus shipping.
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: j c johnson on November 01, 2007, 04:35:44 pm
If you re-tap the tool head, you can't go back, turning down the die is the logical choice.
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: Diesel on November 05, 2007, 09:13:53 am
What are you looking for in the way of dies for your Star?

My opinion is that you would be much better to locate the Star dies you want rather than modify you press or other dies. Ebay and this site are excellent sources. Taper Crimp dies are very hard to locate for certain calibers. There is an individual on Ebay that will turn them down for you. I have not seen him post anything for a while there.

Is the new Star Machine Works shipping parts (referring to previous thread). I have never been able to contact them.

Diesel  :)

Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: bustertoo on November 05, 2007, 04:12:40 pm
In my opinion accurately redrilling and taping the three holes in the toolhead 7/8-14 requires more precision and time than turning and rethreading a couple of dies. Also if you don't have one of the later shellplates with the larger diameter relief cut for the end of the die you might have to turn down the bottom of the sizing die anyway.
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: rbwillnj on November 05, 2007, 09:55:32 pm
I agree that the best option is to find Star dies, second best is to turn down standard dies, and as a last resort drill and tap the head for standard dies.   It really isn't as simple as just drilling a tapping the head for standard dies.  In the very least, you will have to turn down the bottom of the sizing die so it will fit into the the recess of the shell plate.   Otherwise you won't get full length sizing.  You will probably also need to modify the powder slide housing to get clearance for the seating die, and modify the seating die to get to clear the tool head spring and screw.   

I used to own a Beldon Tool head which came standard taped for 7/8-14 dies.   I had it set up for 9mm, but it took a lot of work.  I had to drill and tap the expander hole to use an RCBS expander plug.   I used Lee dies for the rest of the stations, and they had to be modified as above.

Attached is a picture of the Berdon Head on a Star Reloader set up for 9mm.

Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: tabranch on August 16, 2009, 11:47:30 pm

What do you see as the cost of each of the three options for getting dies for the Star?
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: rbwillnj on August 17, 2009, 10:28:55 am
I don't think I am qualified to answer the question.  I'm pretty sure that Barrel Tester on this forum has turned down dies and drilled and taped tool heads for 7/8-14 dies.   Send him a PM.

If they have them, a three die set from CH-Tool and Die (Sizer, Seater and Expander) was about $170 the last time I bought one.  Add another $35-$40 for a taper crimp die.

Personally, I have a bias against modifying Star tool heads for 7/8-14 dies.   If you are thinking of going that route, you might want to check with Swanee to see if he still has any Berdon tool heads.

Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: Scott L on August 17, 2009, 02:36:36 pm
I've re-cut 11/16"-24 threads on Lee & Redding dies. Lee dies are the easiest since they are soft. Redding dies have a very hard case and are ruff on your carbide until you break thru the case. I changed a toolhead to 7/8"-14tpi and now wish I hadn't.
Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: starman on August 17, 2009, 06:04:06 pm
just to let you know Lee told me they make dies in 11/16x24
Title: Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
Post by: tabranch on August 18, 2009, 10:49:56 am
I talked to someone at the Lee factory about a carbide .380ACP die set and was told all they had left, at least in that caliber, was a carbide sizing die in 11/16x24.  The die doesn't have a decapping rod but I ordered it anyway hoping I could improvise the decapping operation.  Tom