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Star Reloaders Discussion Forums => Star Reloaders => Topic started by: jcullen on September 29, 2023, 04:42:04 pm
New guy here, Do I need a mount or stand to mount a Progressive or can I mount right on my bench?
Inline Fabrication has stand solution. If you mount it to your bench you will need a hole for the spent primers to fall through.
Additionally, I deprime on a Lee APP and wet tumble the brass to prevent spent primer dust from wearing out the Star base.
Thank you, Is your press attached to the stand? or can it just sit on the stand, Thanks
Yes, it's bolted to the circular plate which is bolted to the 4" Inline Fabrication stand.
It sits on a wood base, so it can be clamped to my reloading bench.
Thank you
Is the Inline stand drilled for the primer hole, You've been a help Thank you
How about mounting holes, are there only 4 mounting holes pre-drilled, if any at all? Instead of having the handle pointing forward or 90 degrees to the side, I prefer to mount my stars with the handle at about a 45 degree angle.
Is the spent primer hole predrilled
I mounted like this:
Good Shooting
Here's how I mounted my Stars on 4" tall Inline Fabrication stands. I have seen a picture of Inline making the same.
If you have a drill press and layout tools it's easy to do. I bought 10" round disc's off Ebay. A 9" disc will work, but you can't drill and tap for the Indexer support screw.
Dimensional Information.
Wow great work Thank you
I use vintage oak 2 drawer library card catalog drawers. The are sturdy, rock solid and I use the left hand drawer to catch primers and rounds and the right hand drawer for storage. On E Bay for around $75