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Star Reloaders Discussion Forums => Loading Data & Reloading Procedures => Topic started by: varmintpopper on July 06, 2022, 06:53:46 pm
Trying to load large pistol primers into the occasional small primer hole ".45 ACP" on Star Re-loaders is a PITA.
Requiring dangerous disassembly to remove the crushed primer. I sort the cases to remove small primer cases but overlook about 1-2 per thousand cases sorted. Whoever thought to bring back small primers for .45 ACP needs His A.K. , Anyone else have this problem ?
My Rant For Today !
Good Shooting
Yes, it can be a complication. After tumbling or buying once-fired brass, I always take some time to cull the brass -- check for burrs or cracks, undesired brands such as A-Merc, and those with small primer pockets.
This is one of the reasons why I always process my brass entirely before I load. I size, decap, clean the primer pockets, sonic clean, dry then tumble before I even think about putting them in the Star. I know it takes a ton more time but I actually enjoy reloading especially in the winter.
Brian, You de-prime and size before using the Star, did you remove the Star resizing die from the head....Thanks
Sorry to take so long to respond…. When I process my 45 ACP brass, I use my Rock Chucker and RCBS dies. This is before I run them through my Star because of that small primer problem and it allows me to clean the primer pockets which is an additional check for small primers.