Discussion Forum

Star Reloaders Discussion Forums => Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy => Topic started by: rbwillnj on November 29, 2012, 02:58:37 pm

Title: WTS Lee Case Feeders with Adapter to Mount on a Star Reloader
Post by: rbwillnj on November 29, 2012, 02:58:37 pm
This listing is for an assembly to feed your Hulme case feeder.   It consists of a Lee Case Feeder and Collator and an adapter to mount the assembly on your Star reloader.   The Lee Collator works in much the same way as the Freeloader in that you dump in handfuls of brass, and they turn bottom side down and fall into the tube.  The Lee case feeder has four tubes which can be rotated into position to supply more brass as each tube empties.

The kit comes complete with the adapter, the Lee case feeder tube assembly and collator and an 11" drop tube that connects the adapter to your Hulme case feeder.  The kit with an aluminum adapter is $65 and with a brass adapter it's $80.  The 11" polycarbonate tube that connects the adapter to the Hulme case feeder has a 1/2" ID which will work with all calibers up to and including 41 Magnum.   If you plan to load 44 Magnum, 45 Colt or 45 Auto Rim, I can supply a piece of original vintage Hulme case feeder tube for those calibers for an additional $5.

This is a Lee video that shows how the Collator works.

Shipping via Priority Mail with insurance should be $20-$25 depending on your location.   

Just finished a new batch of both brass and aluminum adapters, so both are available

Bruce Williams

Star Machine Works LLC

Note:   The adapter is not compatible with the case feeder that Lee currently offers.   A few years back Lee redesigned their case feeder into a Universal model and eliminated the Large Pistol, Small Pistol and Rifle models they had previously offered.  The adapter is designed to work with the Large Pistol version, and I have plenty of those in stock.

Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Welsh Rifleman on November 29, 2012, 05:38:53 pm
Hello Bruce......sign me up for two of these brass case feeder adapters and contact me via email for the details.

I believe you still have my email contact information but here it is:  k5vuu at comcast dot net


George aka Welsh Rifleman
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Stillwater on December 02, 2012, 07:07:06 pm
I need three of the BRASS adaptors. Send me an invoice, or which ever way you want to do it, and I will pay you which ever way you want me to.


heliflyer36 AT aol DOT com
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Welsh Rifleman on December 04, 2012, 09:05:30 pm
My two brass case feeder adapters arrived today. :)

And like the other components that I have purchased from Bruce......they not only look great - they fit and work great! :)
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: lukasboy on May 27, 2013, 11:04:41 pm
Hello Bruce, I would also like a brass unit, also can you advise of the tubing dia. both inner and outer for the 44/45. Please advise of payment instructions.
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: jtd on May 28, 2013, 10:06:10 pm
I bought a couple of these set ups a while back and they are wonderful. I am 100% satisfied. Excellent craftsmanship and materials.
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Rockdust on May 30, 2013, 03:53:50 am
I would like to order one of you Brass adapters, Chuck
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Lloyd Sells on June 30, 2013, 01:27:22 am
I want this so badly, my Chevron case feeder sucks big time.  I have a Star Progressive tool, not the Universal.  This tool only reloads 38/357.  Tell me everything I need to reload for both cartridges.  I like the brass fittings you make.  How much for the kit and kabutal?
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Green Frog on August 12, 2013, 02:38:47 pm

     I am ready to pull out my old Star Progressive and get it running.  Do you have the brass unit (with tube) in stock at this time?  Please shoot me an e-mail at   < gfrog53 AT yahoo DOT com > and let me know whether a check is OK or I need to send a PO Money Order.  FWIW, I've got the complete Hulme unit already installed, but missing the feed tube.

Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Green Frog on August 26, 2013, 09:09:40 pm
My adaptor unit (in brass) arrived over the weekend... the pictures don't do it justice!  This is art or jewelry quality work.  Thanks, Bruce for an outstanding product.  As I said in our e-mail, I had been thinking of cobbling something together to do the same job, but I could have never come up with this nice a piece; it will do justice to the old but like new Progressive I'll be putting it on.  ;D

Charlie Shaeff
Green Frog

PS  Thanks also for the bullet seater we dealt on.  Now I'm completely GTG!!  8)
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: socksler on November 04, 2013, 01:59:17 pm
New member.

How do I contact the gentleman to order the adapter?
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: fc60 on November 04, 2013, 05:24:20 pm

At the left of the screen underneath the user's id are two icons. One looks like a human the other is the personal message icon. Click on this to send Bruce a Personal Message via the Forum.


Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Green Frog on July 21, 2014, 04:49:03 pm
Well, I finally got my out Star Progressive™ and all the upgrade parts I've been gathering over the years and carried everything up for a visit with my friend and guru Dale53 in Ohio this past weekend.  I assembled all the goodies (including this adaptor) on my Progressive then mounted the whole thing on a base I found at a second hand shop.  This was my first real experience using the press, and I'm still on a pretty steep learning curve, so I'm learning to manage the modified Hulme Case Feeder as well as all the other features.  The adaptor fits just as advertised and once adjusted, it feeds perfectly and just as important, controls when the next batch of shells drops.   :)

Getting the plastic Lee™ base locked onto the adaptor involved making sure that the holes line up precisely and then lock down securely with the bolt and nuts provided.  When I partially disassemble the unit for storage I leave the base in place on the adaptor and lift out the four plastic tubes and the "funnel" for separate storage.  In this way, I don't have those relatively fragile tubes taking the weight of the cover, but the attachment stays aligned and I can go back to work quickly.  8)

As previously stated, the workmanship of the adaptor (as well as the bullet seater Bruce also provided to me) was absolutely flawless.  I would like to thank Bruce once again and highly recommend his work.  ;D

Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: twidle on August 12, 2014, 11:33:13 pm
Received my adapter today, it's a work of art.

Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: 1TonyE on August 15, 2014, 07:24:33 pm

 I received my adapter and other parts yesterday. I am very pleased w/ the adapter,  powder resivor,  and powder bar w/ the insert. They are a real work of art and the workmanship is awesome! !!

Thanks again. ..:)

Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters need one please
Post by: Astroturf3040 on January 04, 2015, 09:32:32 pm
I need three of the BRASS adaptors. Send me an invoice, or which ever way you want to do it, and I will pay you which ever way you want me to.


heliflyer36 AT aol DOT com
Still have some in Stock

I sell an adapter that lets you mount the Lee Case Feeder to you reloader.   The Lee Collator works in much the same way as the Freeloader in that you dump in handfuls of brass, and they turn bottom side down and fall into the tube.  The Lee case feeder has four tubes which can be rotated into position in turn as each is empty.

I supply the adapter along with an 11" piece of polycarbonate tube to connect the adapter to the Hulme case feeder.

With the supplied polycarbonate tube and the appropriate Hulme top plate this system can be used for all calibers except 44 Magnum, 45 Colt and 45 Auto Rim.   If you use a piece of Hulme case feeder tube in place of the supplied polycarbonate tube, you can use the system for those calibers as well.

The adapter is available in Aluminum for $25, or Brass for $40 add $9.00 Shipping for either.   If you don't need the tube, shipping is $5.15

You will need the Lee Case Feeder for Large Pistol and the Lee Collator.  Together they come to about $30 plus shipping.
Here are the Midway links for the Lee products you need;

Case Feeder


need one of these please, brass would be great please advise  thanks
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Green Frog on January 25, 2016, 03:02:15 pm
If anybody is wondering whether they "need" one of these, the answer is an unqualified YES!  So many accessories look good on paper but fail to deliver on the job that it's refreshing to find a product that does what it promises and does it with panache.  Hulme case feeders seem to be pretty ubiquitous, but they really aren't complete without Bruce's upgrade.  8)

A satisfied customer,
Green Frog
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: Allaces on January 26, 2016, 12:48:04 pm
I received mine a few weeks back and installed it quickly. A very well made product and well worth the asking price. Works exactly as Bruce said it would.
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: johnfreeman on January 28, 2016, 08:49:00 pm
Just received mine today...just in time for a weekend reloading session. Thanks Bruce!
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: wayne on February 24, 2017, 10:52:33 pm
Hello Bruce do you have a .38 cal. Bullet seater and punch?
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: FOR_Star on February 27, 2017, 05:10:26 pm
Bruce, does the additional weight of the brass model (vs aluminum) add functionality or durability? Or, is it more of a color coordination with the other brass parts on the Star loader?
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeder Adapters
Post by: rbwillnj on February 27, 2017, 07:57:58 pm
I don't believe there is any functional difference between the two.   Just a matter of esthetics and cost.

Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeders with Adapter to Mount on a Star Reloader
Post by: rbwillnj on December 23, 2021, 04:11:36 pm
Just finished a new batch of both aluminum and brass adapters, so both are in stock.
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeders with Adapter to Mount on a Star Reloader
Post by: oger on October 05, 2022, 11:38:37 pm
Bruce, I need the top holder for the tube only but will purchase the whole adaptor if you sell it as a set. Please send 2 alum either way. Let me know all the info. on payment, Thankyou Mike
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeders with Adapter to Mount on a Star Reloader
Post by: rbwillnj on October 06, 2022, 09:26:48 am
Bruce, I need the top holder for the tube only but will purchase the whole adaptor if you sell it as a set. Please send 2 alum either way. Let me know all the info. on payment, Thankyou Mike

Sent you and email Mike.
Title: Re: WTS Lee Case Feeders with Adapter to Mount on a Star Reloader
Post by: rbwillnj on July 11, 2024, 09:55:35 am