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Star Reloaders Discussion Forums => Star History => Topic started by: rangedog on September 02, 2011, 09:44:37 am
This press was located in storage in Tucson Arizona and I'm told was owned by a Mr Seagerson(now passed), unsure if spelling is correct.He was advisedly a pilot in WW2 USAF.If anyone knows of this gentleman I would be very pleased to hear from them.
There is no doubt this press has never loaded a round.
It is a little gummed up from sitting in it's box for so long but I'm thankful for the factory lube and grease as there is only the smallest amount of surface rust as you can see.
Price list that was enclosed is dated 1965, the base has the bolt on powder slide cam housing and the tool head has the 3/8 taper crimp hole.Anyone care to nominate a year of manufacture, 1965 likely?
All the parts and extras are also unused.I'm unsure what the 2 items to the right of the attached picture are, one is just a length of steel rod and the other I have no idea, could it be a primer pocket cleaner???
Hope you enjoy the pics, there are more attached in post 2.
Looks Great Geoff, nice aquisition.
In an earlier thread which I can't seem to find right now, we speculated that the 11/16-24 taper crimp die was introduced in the early 70's, maybe 71 or 72. Both the price sheet, and the powder slide cam design suggest your machine was made in 1965 or later.
Was it packed in newspaper? What dates were on the news paper. There might also be old postage marks on the box.
Thanks Bruce and good call on the newspaper.
The press didn't come in the old paper but I emailed the seller and he tells me it was packaged with newspaper, date on the paper was 1965.