Discussion Forum

Star Reloaders Discussion Forums => Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy => Topic started by: rbwillnj on August 31, 2011, 11:47:16 am

Title: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: rbwillnj on August 31, 2011, 11:47:16 am
I just finished a new run of Top Plates for the Hulme (and clone) case feeders

M3 type  $20   
This top plate is the standard top plate.  Use it to load 45 ACP, 38 Super, 38 Special, 41 Special and 44 Special.

M3A type $30
Use this top plate to load 45 Long Colt, 41 Magnum and 44 Magnum

9MM  $35

32 S&W Long   $35

40 S&W  $35

.380 Kit, includes a replacement piston for the case feeder      $60

32 ACP Kit, includes replacement piston for the case feeder     $60

Add $6.50 per shipment for Ground Advantage Shipping
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: rcfoster on December 23, 2011, 12:04:09 am
I would like a M3
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Live2Ride on December 25, 2011, 10:06:59 am
I would like a 9mm.
Dan underscore harben at msn dot com

Dan.  ;D
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Marshal Kane on March 26, 2012, 04:00:33 pm
Still have some available.

Would like to buy an M3 and if you have any, a tube clamp.

karl dot young one at cox dot net
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Marshal Kane on March 29, 2012, 06:14:50 pm
Karl,   Email Sent
I just received my M3 top plate today and I can honestly say that I'm blown away by the workmanship and quality of materials!  It's even got the M3 marking where it should be.

Anyone needing a top plate can take it from me that Bruce turns one out that is without equal!  Thank you Bruce for an amazing product.  Now if you'll only think about turning out a Hulme style feeder tube clamp . . . ;D ;D ;D     
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Marshal Kane on March 30, 2012, 10:31:07 am
. . . Actually, I have all the materials to make the tube holders, just haven't had time to work on them.   I have to figure out a good way to bend the flat spring stock.


Be sure to let us know when they are available ;D
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: askimball (Doc) on March 31, 2012, 01:45:33 am
Heat the Spring material, shape it & reheat and cool in oil..???
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: cminer on May 10, 2012, 07:21:03 pm
I need a M3 top plate for the Hulme Feeder. If you have any left I want one. Please advise
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Marshal Kane on June 03, 2012, 10:26:36 am
Hi Bruce,

Do you still have any Hulme top plates for 9mm?  karl dot young one at cox dot net.
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Marshal Kane on June 07, 2012, 01:03:20 pm
Received my 9mm Hulme top plate yesterday.  Never fails to impress me as to the excellent workmanship and quality of materials put into such a small item.  Thanks again for your fast service! 
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM
Post by: Buckhunter on November 26, 2012, 01:09:28 pm
 :o Bruce,  I need a 9mm Hulme Top Plate. Thanks, Nelson
 buckhamman at comcast dot net
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: CLL1975 on October 22, 2013, 10:50:26 am
I need a 9mm
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: johnfreeman on October 31, 2013, 08:14:02 pm
I just wanted to say that I got my top plate from Bruce and it's a very finely made piece of gear

Thanks again Bruce
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: mdcrace1 on November 20, 2013, 10:53:31 pm
Received my M3 top plates and case feeders and tubes from Bruce and they are a work of art. Bruce is such a pleasure to work with and I will be doing more business with again for some powder charge bar setups. I would recommend Bruce to everyone.
Thanks again Bruce
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: Marshal Kane on November 26, 2013, 09:33:05 am
. . . Top Plates for the Hulme (and clone) case feeders

M3 type  $20  
This top plate is the standard top plate.  Use it to load 45 ACP, 38 Super, 32 S&W Long, 38 Special, 41 Special and 44 Special.

Add $5.15 per shipment for Priority Mail Shipping

Hi Bruce,

Need a M3 top plate and info on how to make payment.

karl dot young [no e-mail]@ dot net
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: Marshal Kane on November 28, 2013, 02:07:29 pm
Hi Karl,

I sent an email with invoice to the email address I have on file.   The forum software scrubs email addresses written in standard format, so I couldn't use the email address in your message above.   Hopefully the email address I used is still good.

Best Regards,

. . . Top Plates for the Hulme (and clone) case feeders

M3 type  $20  
This top plate is the standard top plate.  Use it to load 45 ACP, 38 Super, 32 S&W Long, 38 Special, 41 Special and 44 Special.

Add $5.15 per shipment for Priority Mail Shipping

Hi Bruce,

Need a M3 top plate and info on how to make payment.

karl dot young [no [no [no e-mail]@ dot net
Hi Bruce,

Yes, my email is the same and I received your invoice.  Have made Paypal payment.  Wishing you and the family a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: Marshal Kane on December 02, 2013, 10:37:10 pm
Hi Bruce,

Received my new Hulme style top plate today!  Beautifully made and thank you for the super fast service.  This is the third top plate that I've bought from you and each one has worked perfectly.  Anyone looking for a Hulme style top plate, I can recommend Bruce's products without reservations.
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: wayne on October 05, 2014, 11:04:32 am
will any of the standard plates function with .30 carbine?
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: Buckhunter on December 05, 2014, 02:08:26 pm
 Bruce, I just sent a request for Star Parts and I also need a 9mm top plate
 for my case feeder, So please include the top plate with the other requested

 Nelson    (Buckhunter)
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: tony barone on December 06, 2014, 02:16:47 pm
I would like a M3 Bruce.
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: Buckhunter on January 08, 2015, 12:11:25 pm
 I received my 9mm top plate and some other Star parts that I needed from
 Bruce, I was very pleased with all of these parts and I would recommend buying
 Star parts from Bruce, you will be pleased with any parts from him and I would
 like to say how pleased I am that he has taken the
 over from Bill Cunningham and now has many Star parts that you may need. We
 in the Star Community are now very lucky to have someone that will respond
 to our Star part needs.

 Best of luck Bruce,
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: rbwillnj on December 01, 2019, 02:30:09 pm
Title: Re: WTS Hulme Top Plates M3, M3A and 9MM, .380, 32 S&W Long, 40 S&W
Post by: rbwillnj on June 09, 2024, 08:06:39 pm