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Messages - Heavyduty

Pages: 1
Star Reloaders / Re: New member with a new to me Star press
« on: November 30, 2024, 01:36:23 pm »
fc60, Thank you kindly for the info and apologies for the late reply.
I did get with Bruce and he’s got me up set up.
Here’s to another rabbit hole!

Thanks again!

Star Reloaders / New member with a new to me Star press
« on: November 14, 2024, 05:41:43 pm »
Hello all, I bought out a reloading equipment/ supplies estate sale which included a Star universal in 38 special. I was in the process of cleaning it up to take to the Tulsa gun show when I realized how awesomely cool it is and decided to keep it.(I load a lot of 38 sp) Now I’m fascinated and have been scouring the internet and found this forum. Sure hoping to gain insight from the knowledgeable members here.
The powder dispenser on my press is interesting and I've not seen another like it in my internet sleuthing. The tube is yellow aluminum and has a baffle. It also has a level indicator which is basically a disc which sits on top of the powder with a wire that goes through a hole in the top cap. Not sure what the powder slide drops as the charge numbers have been X'd out. I'm guessing that a previous owner opened it up to his needs. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to run various powders through it and see.
Cheers, Heavyduty

Pages: 1