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Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by NYKenn on December 06, 2024, 03:30:00 pm »
Correct Bruce. My confusion on brand.
Thinking of one and wrote the other.

Thanks for the correction.

Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by rbwillnj on December 05, 2024, 09:38:01 am »
Green paint on a Star?
Thought that was a Phelps thing.

You might be thinking of CPM.  I have never seen a Phelps in anything but blue.
Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by NYKenn on December 04, 2024, 10:25:09 am »


The plastic tubes may have been for the Hulme case feeder.




Definitely primer tubes. Were 2 of each.

I keep trying but it says an error has occurred and cancels my entry
Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by rbwillnj on December 02, 2024, 02:33:17 pm »
Green paint on a Star?
Thought that was a Phelps thing.

It's a very early machine.  There is a lighter green primer under the green paint, so I'm pretty sure the green is original.    I have another Star with a cast iron base and that one is Blue, but I can see traces of black paint under the blue on all three of the painted parts.   Black, like the picture from American Rifleman is what I would have expected for this time period.

Although according to the 1934 American Rifleman article the Universal model was available at that time, the Universal base on this machine is a later addition.   I can't tell if it was an original Universal with a newer Universal base or if it was originally a Progressive.

Notice that they have already moved away from the Pipe T used for the crankshaft assembly.
Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Re: FOR SALE Stars Machine Works Progressive reloader
« Last post by 2150 on December 02, 2024, 01:56:05 pm »
Could you post some pictures with your offer to sell so that many people can see the condition of all items to include your accessories, the bullet number on the mould blocks, and anything that you have available. The photos are helpful to potential buyers, me included.
Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by fc60 on December 02, 2024, 11:32:09 am »

The plastic tubes may have been for the Hulme case feeder.


Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by NYKenn on December 02, 2024, 10:08:31 am »
Green paint on a Star?
Thought that was a Phelps thing.

I helped an acquaintance in the 80s (maybe early 90s) set his up, and when unpacking it, I recall 4 plastic primer tubes in a cardboard tube.
Do not recall if there were Brass as well. Also possible they could have been extras, or from another source?
The machine came from Gil Hebard.

I have a 'bunch' of the plastic which I got from an owner that had them left over after he sold his machine.
Would you like a few?
More than happy to send you some?

Have a Universal Reloader set up for 45 Auto, asking $450, I will pay shipping costs and will include brass jackets, bullets, Lynman hand mold. Text 662-655-eight431 for pics and more information.
Star Reloaders / Re: Primer feed question
« Last post by rbwillnj on December 01, 2024, 05:48:52 pm »
The Star Progressives/Universals "always" had the primer feed.  It's shown on their patent application.   Below is a picture of Star Progressive #54 (the only one I have ever seen with a "serial" number), and another picture from the review in the May 1934 American Rifleman. 

No54 is even older than the American Rifleman version.   Notice the absence of link stops to prevent over rotation of the crankshaft.

John Hulme made the Hulme case feeders and use to supply a kit to locate, drill and tap the hole for mounting his case feeder.   It was such a popular accessory that Star started to factory drill & tap the base for the Hulme case feeder.   Best I can figure is they started to do that in about 1959.

Bruce Williams

PS   I have never seen plastic primer feed tubes.  Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I have never seen one.   With a 60+ year production history, two words that should be avoided when discussing Star reloaders are Always and Never.   And I just broke my own rule.

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