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Topics - eclam

Pages: 1
Chevron Case Master case feeder. 

Working with plate which was for 9mm.   Missing funnel.   Micro switch is intact and I have
piece of spare tube for the Hulme to attach the micro switch to.

$165 US for the case feeder.
$35 US to ship from Canada by Post.

Star Reloaders / Hulme Case Feeder
« on: March 31, 2017, 01:24:53 pm »
Any one making Hulme Case Feeders?

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS: Tool head (3 station star thread)
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:22:23 pm »
Spare tool head #49U off a Universal.   Very clean.  3 station,  star thread.  4th station has
hole only (original).

$195 USD + shipping from Canada.


Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS: 9mm Sizing Die
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:06:54 pm »
Star/Lyfetime 9mm sizing die  $SOLD USD

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS: .38/.357 conversion kit
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:05:35 pm »
Consists of : shell plate,  Star/Lyfetime 2 die set (sizer, combo seating/crimping die) and

$150.00 USD + shipping.

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS: .38/357 Taper Crimp Die
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:03:15 pm »
I have a .38/.357 Taper Crimp Die (for 4th station) for sale  $SOLD

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / WTS: MA System Auto Indexer
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:01:19 pm »
I have a complete MA System auto indexer for sale.   
SOLD + shipping from Canada

Loading Data & Reloading Procedures / Roll sizing brass
« on: July 04, 2016, 02:06:00 pm »
How much benefit is there in roll sizing brass?   Does it make many x fired
brass back into 1xfired?

I am debating the merits of the Case Pro 100 for roll sizing 9mm and .45ACP
brass.  Where I live, 1xbrass is hard to come by.  All my best loads for 50 yards
use 1x or factory new cases.

My 9mm develop a skinny waist line after 3 or 4 reloads.

79U is Shell base locating strap.

Is the Lifetyme combination seating / crimping able to roll crimp ?

I'm starting to shoot the 52 for BE and I'm getting a lot grief
feeding.  I have followed the wisdom to shorten the OAL to match
the reference factory round I have here (Winchester Match).

The only thing I can't duplicate is the roll.

Pages: 1