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Messages - Scott L

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Loading Data & Reloading Procedures / Re: Setting the taper crimper
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:00:18 pm »
Is there a method of setting up the taper crimp die for 45? thanks.

Hi Ken,
Here is a fixture I made to check .45acp crimp diameters. Much better than calipers. The .476 dia is a "Martindale Gage" for checking case bulge and oversize rims, The case passes through if good.

Star Reloaders / Hollywood Universal Instructions
« on: June 23, 2011, 03:07:12 pm »
I know this is a Star site and I have 4 :).
Part of my Great Uncles estate contained a Hollywood Universal and I would like to have the Instruction pamphlet to go along with it.
If any of you gentleman have one and wouldn't mind making me a copy or PDF I'd be glad to pay you for it.

Star Reloaders / Re: 380 acp reloadin
« on: August 17, 2009, 02:42:09 pm »
I talked with Mr. Pat Ryan at Redding today (607-753-3331) to check availability of 11/16"-24tpi dies.
.380acp and.44spl crimp dies are available.

Star Reloaders / Re: Tap toolhead or turn down dies?
« on: August 17, 2009, 02:36:36 pm »
I've re-cut 11/16"-24 threads on Lee & Redding dies. Lee dies are the easiest since they are soft. Redding dies have a very hard case and are ruff on your carbide until you break thru the case. I changed a toolhead to 7/8"-14tpi and now wish I hadn't.
Hope this helps.

I made a fixed powder bar for a Dillon powder measure to drop 1.5grs of powder for my .32 S&W long. The bar is .200 thick w/.250 hole.
Since doing this I asked the Research Fellow at work what the best hole shape would be and he stated that a narrow, deep hole is best.
He is also an accomplished shooter & reloader.

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