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Topics - 6string

Pages: 1
Anybody here machining their own powder charge bars?
Seems like this would be pretty easy.  Figure out the volume of a desired powder charge, then convert that value into the appropriate dimensions (H & D) for the cylindrical hole in the powder bar blank that fits your powder measure.  Fabricating the external dimensions of the bar itself, and the installation of the rollers appears quite straightforward.
Is there more to it that I'm missing?


PS: I just got a "new to me" Universal.  I wouldn't have dove in if it wasn't for the ton of great info on this forum.  Thanks!!

Star Reloaders / Switching between 45 ACP and 45 Auto Rim
« on: November 01, 2022, 09:00:29 pm »
This is my first post here.  I've been a regular lurker for about a year, but have been aware of Star machines for decades.
I understand that to switch between 45 ACP and Auto Rim, all that's needed is a change in the shell plate.  How big of a process is that?  Looks like a partial diasassembly is in order.
I'm guessing, too, that those Auto Rim shell plates are not commonly encountered.

Currently using a Dillon 650, looking to add an auxiliary press to split duties.
So, a Universal would be in order for the above mentioned scenario.  If that's too problematic, I could make due with a .38 Progressive while using the Dillon for the other.


PS: This forum is a great resource of info.

Pages: 1