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Messages - NYKenn

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Great communication with Brownhat, but decided against it. In thinking it over, the amount I would reload for 44 is minimal.

Text sent as interest in the 44 set-up.

Have used Remington, Federal, CCI, and Winchester. Thousands of each. Both older and newer boxed versions, all without recurring problems or issues.
As Bruce, notes, always an occasional blip.
I have not needed to use any Wolff primers. 
I have though been using the plastic see through tubes more than the brass. What Dave suggests is also a good idea and I do this on occasion, as well as some other preventative maintenance.

As this is the most common caliber, expect you should have no problem.

Certainly can contact Bruce Williams at RBWillNJ on this board.

Star Reloaders / Re: New indexer
« on: January 01, 2024, 02:10:55 pm »

Any idea how many others competitors are using this?

Where was the match located?

Good luck.

Star Reloaders / Re: New indexer
« on: January 01, 2024, 02:09:50 pm »
Since you asked the question, I did not.
I also did a quick internet search without success.

Since the reply, I also went through my records from NRA pistol competition, including Pistol Commitee meeting minutes/records and Camp Perry history.
Same as you. I found nothing.

Many of the current .32 variations shot thru Pardini, Hammerli, and Walther target pistols, etc., often prove difficult in finding the right bullet/powder combination at 50 yards.
Often due to the small powder charge, reduced velocity, wind etc,. and of course trigger control and follow through.
I would think that maybe it was a result of someone who had the time and inclination, and was willing to put in the effort of finding a .32 that would shoot at 50 yards.
Maybe it is the Holy Grail .32 caliber competitors are looking for.

One more caliber to add to Star ability!


Star Reloaders / Re: New indexer
« on: December 27, 2023, 08:44:31 am »
Did not know the Somar was from Wisconsin.
The Freeloader also came from Wisconsin, but from Beloit, I believe, Different person and location. Inventor is still a member of this site.
Maybe something in the cheese?

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Re: WTB: Adjustable powder bar
« on: April 19, 2023, 09:52:34 am »
Two types could be considered adjustable to change drops.
One with various size bushings, one with a screw adjustment.

I have both. Generally, use the screw adjustable to find the charge I want that works, and then use a fixed sized bushing to insure repetitive consistency.

1st try would be Bruce WIlliams  RBWillNJ on this site as he owns and runs the Star Machine site.
2nd try would be Rich Daniels   BarrelTester on this sit. He manufacturer.


Star Reloaders / Re: Dillon 223 conversion of a Star
« on: April 11, 2023, 07:35:16 pm »
I saw that also and had no idea.
Then ran into a much older shorter that said it was similar to a round counter he had observed.

Loading Data & Reloading Procedures / Re: Powder Check
« on: February 01, 2023, 10:10:03 am »
I have never had an issue about whether powder is dropping, just whether the amount of the drop is correct.
The design and function of how the Star powder drop works, practically eliminates that concern, as long as you maintain powder in the tube.

When I first start, I cycle and weigh at least 5 drops, then check 5th and 10th charge for accuracy and consistency.  After that every 50.

In my opinion, I have sufficient ambient light from overhead, and feel I do not require a dedicated press light.

I do however, verify powder is present in my Dillon 550.
Hope this helps.

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Re: WTB: Maurilew Powder drain
« on: January 16, 2023, 09:41:52 am »
Just an FYI

He was last on this StarReloaders forum in May of 2021.
Not a good sign. Hope all is well.

Star Reloaders / Re: 223 conversion parts
« on: January 05, 2023, 10:01:13 am »
Know only about a 100 made. (Speculated)Wonder where they are now. Owners knew what they had. I expect as owners passed, others with no knowledge just “got rid of them”. How unfortunate for those that carry-on with Star.

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Re: Shipping star presses
« on: April 25, 2022, 08:41:43 am »
Great to read the other comments.
The buckets will be a great way to move them with a good level of protection! I already use buckets for brass.

I occasionally have to take a Star out to do a Reloading Class. Will also be needing to move them in a few years when I relocate.
The buckets will be a great way to move them with a greater level of protection than just a box.

Star History / Re: Progressive NO. 54
« on: April 16, 2022, 02:21:37 pm »
Nice find.
Looks ready to load.
In better  shape than some more recent machines that I have encountered.

Stars Want to Sell/Want to Buy / Re: Shipping star presses
« on: March 16, 2022, 08:52:41 am »
Thanks for the heads up on using the peanuts Bruce. Never had a problem, but always pays to be cautious. I used air bags for a while. Great for cushioning, but not happy with filling the voids.
Might be a mute point now as Styrofoam peanuts are illegal in NY.  Not sure if they were classified as assault peanuts or ghost peanuts!


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