Star Reloaders Discussion Forums > Star Reloaders

223 conversion parts

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I recently acquired parts for a star 223 conversion. Came with a powder hopper tha5 is about two feet long, a 223 shell plate, sizing and seating does which look like new, case feed in 223 flaring and powder funnel parts.   Was wondering what else I need to start loading.   Wish I could post a picture but site won’t allow

The only .223 machine I ever saw had links (part 63), that were curved rather than straight, to give more mechanical advantage when sizing the cases.  Sorry I don't have a photo.  The guy that owned it was a collector in Dallas. I had sold him some Dillon parts.  He had several Stars hanging in his workshop, along with the .223 one.

Probably going to be hard to find the bent bars.


Contact Bruce at Star Machine Works.

He may have some spare parts.



You will also need a taller powder slide and housing to get enough powder for the .223 case. I can't remember if it is 1/2 or 5/8" tall.


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