Author Topic: 30 Carbine reloading n the Star  (Read 17763 times)

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30 Carbine reloading n the Star
« on: November 29, 2009, 01:44:34 pm »
For a couple of reasons, I prefer to prepare my cases before loading on the Star.   There are case length issues with the .30 Carbine cartridge, and consequently, I resize all my brass separately in a Hollywood carbide die, clean them in a tumbler, and gauge them for length: 1.290 maximum, 1.285 minimum.   Longer cases can lead to misfires or worse, slamfires.   Short cases can lead to misfires or flyers.  A short case fails to headspace on the end of the chamber and instead is supported against the blow of the firing pin only by the extractor.  Prepping the cases in advance also lets me load faster on the Star, as I don't need the force to resize the cases; and since I used a carbide die, there is no need to lube the cases or clean off any lube after loading.  Starting with a supply of case feed tubes and primer tubes already charged, I load about 300 rounds per hour.   I have used 15 grains of 296, the Sierra 110 grain FMJ, and Winchester WSR primers to load several thousand rounds with total dependability and excellent accuracy.

I see current references to 14.5 grains of 296 being maximum, so perhaps today's 296 is a bit faster than my old lot.   I still have several 8 pound kegs to use up, , so I wont know for awhile. 

The cases that gauged longer than 1.290 get trimmed to 1.288.   The ones under 1.295 go to the scrap dealer.  I find almost all once-fired Remington needs to be trimmed after full-length resizing; the GI and Winchester stuff rarely need trimming, but do need culling for short cases.   

Accuracy with the M1 Carbine usually involves just three issues: good ammo as prepared above, proper headspace (1.295 max, 1.290 min), and proper fit in the stock.   The barreled receiver should contact the stock only at the recoil plate and front band, both of which need to fit snugly.   Provided the carbine meets these criteria, I expect accuracy of 2" or better with iron sights.  Those flyers that the carbine is notable for are due to those short cases we culled.   

By the way, keep a close eye on the primer follower rod to see that it drops a bit with each round loaded.   If a primer fails to feed, the fine-grained 296 powder will flow right out the flash hole, and really gum up the machine.   

Hope someone here finds this useful       


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Re: 30 Carbine reloading n the Star
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 04:41:59 pm »
I prep case for both the 30 carbine and the .223 just for the need to trim after sizing.  I trim the 30 carbine to 1.280 as apposed to the 1.285 and then have to trim less often.  No headspace problem.  I am interested to see how other reloaders do without the trimming operation as most of their 30 carbine and .223 cases will bo over max length!  I reload a lot of military .223 and also swage after size and deprime step.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 10:06:08 am by tabranch »
Tom Butler