Star Reloaders Discussion Forums > Star Lubricator & Resizers
STAR dies and bullet punches
I understand that Magma has the sizer dies, I just inherited my Dad's ol' STAR...does Magma have the Bullet punches as well ???? Also I'm looking for a .410 size/lube die.
lawdawg? ?
I have a 410 sizer die I don't need, HOWEVER I'm waiting to hear back from another board member who might want to swap it for one he has that I need, I'll keep you posted
I have sent you emails, and have sent you private messages. I would like to do a swap, but you never got back to me about the top punch. Are we swapping top punches also? send me an email at bwilliams853 at so we can work out the details
PS You have to alter the format of your email address or the forum software will strip it out
so THAT is what I was doing wrong. ok now were workin here. I think the top punches should stay with the die they fit. My top punch is for a semiwadcutter. I will send you a couple pics via regular email of mine. My email addy is dzelenske at outdrs dot net
I went ahead and ordered a .410 sizer die and a .358 sizer die from Magma. I also needed a top punch and they were able to take care of that as well. I am glad that Magma picked up the ball as this is one the the finest luber/sizers I have ever used.
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